The game just froze on me mid battle. Also what's up with the "Out of energy?"
The game just froze on me mid battle. Also what's up with the "Out of energy?"
That's when the character is out of HP.
I was doing great then a ball appeared out of nowhere right on me. You need to make it register the player's location.
I can't see anything. Make it bigger next time
too simple
The game is pretty much one path to take on most levels. Only an idiot would go the wrong way at some points.
Very addicting, fun after you've gotten everything and a great shop system.
Although I've gotten pretty much everything and I haven't seen the sun once. The appearing rate for that should be increased.
p.s What's the hidden button? =)
good but...
gets old fast. Try adding diferent modes like zombie survival and defence or something
The aiming made the game impossible without the radar, once you left the start the game became a fight for survival rather than a baricade yourself in and defend said baricades and the fact you can't baricade the way you came in just makes leaving for a better weapon ruin the game.
Joined on 7/11/09